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  1. J. D. Rodriguez, M. Cabrerizo, M. A. Bosques, I. Yaylali, M. Adjouadi, “An Integrated Approach for Focal Cortical Dysplasia Lesion Validation on Preoperative Assessments”, 2023 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI)Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 15-18 October 2023. DOI: 10.1109/BHI58575.2023.10313373.
  2. C. Y. Freytes; R. P. Mayrand; L. O. Sawada; T. Y. Liang; R. E. Curiel Cid; S. Burke; D. Loewenstein; R. Duara; M. Adjouadi, “Recursive Feature Elimination with Cross Validation for Alzheimer’s Disease Classification using Cognitive Exam Scores”, Proceedings of the Intelligent Methods, Systems, and Applications (IMSA) ConferenceGiza, Egypt, pp. 325-332, DOI: 10.1109/IMSA58542.2023.10217660, 15-16 July 2023.


  1. M. Sharafi, M. Sajedi, M. Adjouadi, “Highly Efficient Power Transmission-Conversion Chain For a Wireless and Battery-Free EEG Cap”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation &USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, pp. 1726-1727, July 10-15, 2022, Denver, Colorado USA. DOI: 10.1109/AP-S/USNC-URSI47032.2022.9886016.
  2. M. Sharafi, M. Sajedi, M. Adjouadi, “Intelligent Remote Powering System With PTE Auto- Balancing For a Wireless and Batteryless EEG Cap”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation &USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, pp. 1724-1725, July 10-15, 2022, Denver, Colorado USA. DOI: 10.1109/AP-S/USNC-URSI47032.2022.9886950.
  3. R. P. Mayrand, C. Y. Freytes, L.O. Sawada, M. Adeyosoye, R. E. Curiel Cid, D. Lowenstein, R. Duara, and M. Adjouadi, “Computational Analysis of a Light-Weight SUVr Processing Technique for Neuroimaging Alzheimer’s Disease”, pp. 1795-1799, IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), DOI 10.1109/CSCI58124.2022.00343, December 14-16, 2022, Las Vegas, USA.
  4. X. Cui, T. Y. Liang, M. Aghili, M. Adeyosoye, R. E. Curiel Cid, D. Lowenstein, R. Duara, M. Adjouadi, “UNet++ with Attention Mechanism for Hippocampus Segmentation”, pp. 1538-1542, IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), DOI 10.1109/CSCI58124.2022.00312, December 14-16, 2022, Las Vegas, USA. 
  5. E. Zarafshan, P. Forouzannezhad, H. Rajaei, U. Williams, M. Cabrerizo, I. Yaylali, A. Pinzon, M. Adjouadi, “Diagnosis of Pediatrics Epilepsy Based on Graph Analysis of Scalp EEG Applying Mutual Information”, pp.1585-1590, International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), DOI 10.1109/CSCI58124.2022.00322, December 14-16, 2022, Las Vegas, USA. 
  6. L. O. Sawada, U. Morar, R. P. Mayrand, C. Y. Freytes, M. Adeyosoye, M. Cabrerizo, R. E. Curiel Cid, D. Loewenstein, R. Duara, M. Adjouadi, “Comparison of Dimensionality Reduction Methods for Multimodal Classification of Early Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease”, pp. 1606-1611, IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), DOI 10.1109/CSCI58124.2022.00325, December 14-16, 2022, Las Vegas, USA. 


  1. L. Deng, M. Adjouadi, and N. Rishe, “Geographic Boosting Tree: Modeling Non-Stationary Spatial Data”, 19th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), pp 1205-1210, DOI 10.1109/ICMLA51294.2020.00190, 2020.
  2. L. Deng, M. Adjouadi, and N. Rishe, “Inverse Distance Weighted Random Forests: Modeling Unevenly Distributed Non-Stationary Geographic Data”, 2020 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Systems (ICACSIS), DOI: 10.1109/ICACSIS51025.2020.9263208, pp. 41-46, 17-18 Oct. 2020.
  3. E. Zarafshan, H. Rajaei, P. Forouzannezhad, U. Morar, M. Cabrerizo, M. Adjouadi, “Characterizing Focal and Generalized Epileptic Networks Using Interictal Functional Connectivity”, the 2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Dec. 16-18, 2020, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 1535-1540, DOI 10.1109/CSCI51800.2020.00285
  4. H. Martin, W. Izquierdo, U. Morar, M. Adjouadi, “A Fast and Accurate Myocardial Infarction Detector”, the 2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Dec. 16-18, 2020, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 782-787, DOI 10.1109/CSCI51800.2020.00285
  5. U. Morar, H. Martin, W. Izquierdo, P. Forouzannezhad, E. Zarafshan, R. E. Curiel, M. Rosselli, D. Loewenstein, R. Duara, M. Adjouadi, “A Deep-Learning Approach for the Prediction of Mini-Mental State Examination Scores in a Multimodal Longitudinal Study”, the 2020 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Dec. 16-18, 2020, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 761-766, DOI 10.1109/CSCI51800.2020.00285
  6. L. Deng, M. Adjouadi, and N.Rishe, “Geographic Boosting Tree: Modeling Non-Stationary Spatial Data”, ICMLA 2020, Semantic Scholar, Corpus ID: 227318582, 19th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications, December 14-17, 2020 | Miami, Florida .
  7. M. Eslami, S. Tabarestani, M. Adjouadi, “Joint Low Dose Ct Denoising And Kidney Segmentation”, 4 pages, IEEE 17th International Symposium On Biomedical Imaging Workshops (ISBI), DOI: 10.1109/ISBIWorkshops50223.2020.9153392, April 3-7, 2020.
  8. M. Mafi, W. Izquierdo, and M. Adjouadi, “High Impulse Noise Intensity Removal in Natural Images Using Convolutional Neural Network”, pp. 673-677, IEEE 10th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA, January 6-8, 2020.


  1. S. Tabarestani, M. Aghili, M. Shojaie, C. Freytes, M. Cabrerizo, A. Barreto, N. Rishe, R.E. Curiel, D. Loewenstein, R. Duara, M. Adjouadi, “Longitudinal Prediction Modeling of Alzheimer Disease using Recurrent Neural Networks”, 2019 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI), DOI: 10.1109/BHI.2019.8834556, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA, May 19-22, 2019.


  1. S. Tabarestani, M. Aghili, M. Shojaie, C. Freytes, M. Adjouadi, “Profile-Specific Regression Model for Progression Prediction of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Longitudinal Data”, 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), pp. 1353 – 1357, Orlando, Florida, Dec. 17-20, 2018.
  2. P. Forouzannezhad, A. Abbaspour,  C. Li, M. Cabrerizo, M. Adjouadi, “A Deep Neural Network Approach for Early Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment Using Multiple Features”, 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), pp. 1341 – 1346, Orlando, Florida, Dec. 17-20, 2018.
  3. M. Aghili, S. Tabarestani, M. Adjouadi, and  E. Adeli, (2018, September). Predictive Modeling of Longitudinal Data for Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis Using RNNs. First International Workshop, PRIME (PRedictive Intelligence In MEdicine ) 2018, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2018, pp. (pp. 112-119, Granada, Spain, , DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00320-3_14, In book: PRedictive Intelligence in Medicine, September 16, 2018
  4. P. Forouzannezhad; A. Abbaspour; M. Cabrerizo;  M. Adjouadi; “Early Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment Using Random Forest Feature Selection”, 2018 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), Cleveland, Ohio, October 17-19, 2018.


  1. M. Mafi; H. Martin; M. Adjouadi, “High impulse noise intensity removal in MRI images”, 2017 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), Science Education and Research Center, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 7 pages, DOI: 10.1109/SPMB.2017.8257030, December 2, 2017.
  2. W. Izquierdo, H. Martin, M. Cabrerizo, A. Barreto, J. Andrian, N. Rishe, S. Gonzalez-Arias; D. Loewenstein, R. Duara and M. Adjouadi, “Robust prediction of cognitive test scores in Alzheimer’s patients”, 2017 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), Science Education and Research Center, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 7 Pages, DOI: 10.1109/SPMB.2017.8257059, December 2, 2017.
  3. H. Martin, W. Izquierdo, M. Cabrerizo and M. Adjouadi, “Real-time R-spike detection in the cardiac waveform through independent component analysis”, 2017 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), Science Education and Research Center, Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 7 pages, DOI: 10.1109/SPMB.2017.8257024, December 2, 2017.
  4. C. Li; C. Fang; M. Adjouadi; M. Cabrerizo; A. Barreto; J. Andrian; R. Duara; D. Loewenstein, “A Neuroimaging Feature Extraction Model for Imaging Genetics with Application to Alzheimer’s Disease”, 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), pp. 15-20, Washington DC, October 23-25, 2017.
  5. H. Rajaei; M. Cabrerizo; P. Janwattanapong; A. Pinzon; S. Gonzalez-Arias; A. Barreto; M. Adjouadi, “Connectivity Dynamics of Interictal Epileptiform Activity”, IEEE 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), pp. 425 – 430, Washington DC, October 23-25, 2017.
  6. P. Janwattanapong; M. Cabrerizo; C. Fang; H. Rajaei; A. Pinzon-Ardila; S. Gonzalez-Arias; M. Adjouadi, “Classification of Interictal Epileptiform Discharges using Partial Directed Coherence”, IEEE 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), pp. 473 – 478, Washington DC, October 23-25, 2017.
  7. C. Fang, C. Li, M. Cabrerizo, A. Barreto, J. Andrian, D. Loewenstein, R. Duara, and M. Adjouadi “A Novel Gaussian Discriminant Analysis-based Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Screening Different Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease”, IEEE 17th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), pp. 279-284, Washington DC, October 23-25, 2017.
  8. C. Li, C. Fang, M. Cabrerizo, A. Barreto, J. Andrian, R. Duara, D. Loewenstein, and M. Adjouadi, “Pattern analysis of the interaction of regional amyloid load, cortical thickness and APOE genotype in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease”, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), pp. 2171 – 2176, Kansas City, MO, USA, November 13 – 16, 2017.
  9. C. Fang, C. Li, M. Cabrerizo, A. Barreto, J. Andrian, D. Loewenstein, R. Duara, and M. Adjouadi, “A Gaussian discriminant analysis-based generative learning algorithm for the early diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease”, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), pp. 538 – 542, Kansas City, MO, USA, November 13 – 16, 2017.
  10. C. Fang, P. Janwattanapong, H. Martin, M. Cabrerizo, A. Barreto, D. Loewenstein, R. Duara, and M. Adjouadi, “Computerized neuropsychological assessment in mild cognitive impairment based on natural language processing-oriented feature extraction”, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), pp. 543 – 546, Kansas City, MO, USA, November 13 – 16, 2017.
  11. C. Fang, P. Janwattanapong, C. Li and M. Adjouadi, “A Global Feature Extraction Model for the Effective Computer Aided Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment using Structural MRI Images,” 4 pages, 1st Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2017), Machine Learning for Health (ML4H), Long Beach, CA, USA Dec 4th-9th,2017.


  1. P. Janwattanapong; M. Cabrerizo; A. Pinzon; S. Gonzalez-Arias; A. Barreto; J. Andrian; M. Adjouadi, “Epileptogenic brain connectivity patterns using scalp EEG”, 2016 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), pp. 1161-1165, Washington, D.C., USA, December 7–9, 2016.
  2. L. Galarza; H. Martin; M. Adjouadi, “Uniform vs Full Height Maps Using a Time of Flight Device for Dewarping Book Spread Images in the Design of an Automated Book Reader”, pp. 692-697, International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), Las Vegas, NV, 15-17 Dec. 2016.
  3. P. Janwattanapong; M. Cabrerizo; A. Pinzon; S. Gonzalez-Arias; A. Barreto; J. Andrian; M. Adjouadi, “Connectivity patterns of interictal epileptiform discharges using coherence analysis”, pp. 1 – 6, DOI: 10.1109/SPMB.2016.7846850, IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), 2016, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 3, 2016.
  4. S. Sargolzaei; M. Cabrerizo; A. Sargolzaei; S. Noei; M. Adjouadi, “Epilepsy, a Cyberattack on Brains’ Networked Control System”, 15th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), pp.622 – 625, DOI: 10.1109/ICMLA.2016.0109, 2016.
  5. L. Guo, Z. Wang, M. Cabrerizo, M. Adjouadi, “Application of Cross-Correlated Delay Shift Rule in Spiking Neural Networks for Interictal Spike Detection,” the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2016 (IEEE EMBC’16), pp. 796 – 799, DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2016.7590821, Orlando, FL, Aug. 17-20, 2016.
  6. L. Guo, Z. Wang, M. Adjouadi, “A Supervised Learning Rule for Classification of Spatiotemporal Spike Patterns,” the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2016 (IEEE EMBC’16), pp. 6113 – 6116, DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2016.7592123, Orlando, FL, Aug. 17-20, 2016.
  7. H. Rajaei, M. Cabrerizo, P. Janwattanapong, A. Pinzon-Ardila, S. Gonzalez-Arias, and M. Adjouadi, “Connectivity Maps of different Types of Epileptic Patterns” the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2016 (IEEE EMBC’16), pp. 1018 – 1021, DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2016.7590875, Orlando, FL, Aug. 17-20, 2016.
  8. G. Lizarraga, M. Cabrerizo, N. Rojas, M. Adjouadi, R. Duara, D. Loewenstein, “A Web Platform for Data Acquisition and Analysis for Alzheimer’s Disease”, SoutheastCon 2016, pp. 1-5, DOI: 10.1109/SECON.2016.7506730,  Norfolk VA, March 30 – April 3, 2016.


  1. L. Guo, Z. Wang, M. Adjouadi, “A Novel Biologically Plausible Supervised Learning Method for Spiking Neurons,” Proceeding of 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (WorldComp ICAI’15), Las Vegas, NV, pp.578-584, Jul. 27-29, 2015.
  2. Z. Wang, L. Guo, M. Adjouadi, “Spiking Neuron Model for Wavelet Encoding of Temporal Signals,” Proceeding of 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (WorldComp ICAI’15), Las Vegas, NV, pp.693-699, Jul. 27-29, 2015.
  3. X. Wang; M. Adjouadi, “Automatic registration of FDG_CT and FLT_CT images integrating Genetic Algorithm, Powell method and wavelet decomposition”, IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), DOI: 10.1109/SPMB.2015.7405475, pp: 1 – 5, 2015.
  4. X. Wang; Z. Wang; J. Wang; M. Cabrerizo; M. Adjouadi; M. Goryawala; S. A. Gulec, “A novel semi-automatic method for accurate registration of FDG_CT and FLT_CT image modalities”, IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB-2015), DOI: 10.1109/SPMB.2015.7405473, pp. 1 – 5, 2015.
  5. H. Rajaei, M. Cabrerizo, S. Sargolzaei, A. Pinzon-Ardila, S. Gonzalez-Arias, Sergio, and M. Adjouadi, “Pediatric epilepsy: Clustering by functional connectivity using phase synchronization”, IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), DOI: 10.1109/BioCAS.2015.7348368, pp. 1-4, 2015.


  1. Z. Wang, L. Guo and M.  Adjouadi. “A biological plausible Generalized Leaky Integrate-and-Fire neuron model.” In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 6810-6813. IEEE, 2014.
  2. M. Goryawala, Q. Zhou, R. Duara, D. Loewenstein, M. Cabrerizo, W. Barker, and M. Adjouadi. “Altered small-world anatomical networks in Apolipoprotein-E4 (ApoE4) carriers using MRI.” In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 2468-2471. IEEE, 2014.
  3. S. Sargolzaei, M. Goryawala, M. Cabrerizo, G. Chen, P. Jayakar, R. Duara, W. Barker, and M. Adjouadi. “Comparative reliability analysis of publicly available software packages for automatic intracranial volume estimation.” in Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 2342-2345. IEEE, 2014.
  4. Q. Zhou,  M. Goryawala, M. Cabrerizo, W. Barker, D. Loewenstein, R. Duara and M. Adjouadi. “Multivariate Analysis of structural MRI and PET (FDG and 18F-AV-45) for Alzheimer’s disease and its prodromal stages.” In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 1051-1054. IEEE, 2014.


  1. S. Sargolzaei, M. Cabrerizo, M. Goryawala, A. Salah Eddin, and M. Adjouadi “Functional Connectivity Network based on Graph Analysis of Scalp EEG for Epileptic Classification”, IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB13), Polytechnic Institute of New York University , Brooklyn, NY, December 7, 2013.
  2. S.M.A. Motahari, K. Vedala, M. Goryawala, M. Cabrerizo, I. Yaylali, and M Adjouadi. “A Somatosensory Evoked Potential Monitoring Algorithm Using Time Frequency Filtering”. Proceedings of the 6th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, pp. 351-354, November 6-8, 2013, San Diego, CA.
  3. A. Salah Eddin, J. Wang, S. Sargolzaei, W.D. Gaillard, and M. Adjouadi. “ICA-based connectivity on Brain Networks using fMRI”. Proceedings of the 6th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, pp. 391-394, November 6-8, 2013, San Diego, CA. Student Travel Award-Best Paper
  4. Q. Zhou, M. Goryawala, M. Cabrerizo, J. Wang, W. Barker, R. Duara, and M. Adjouadi. “Regional MRI Measures and Neuropsychological Test for Multi-dimensional Analysis in Alzheimer’s Disease”. Proceedings of the 6th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, pp. 533-536, November 6-8, 2013, San Diego, CA.
  5.  S. Sargolzaei, A. Salah Eddin, M. Cabrerizo, and M. Adjouadi. “Resting State Functional Connectivity Based on Principal Component Transformation of Cortical fMRI Measurements”. Proceedings of the 6th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, pp. 1501-1504, November 6-8, 2013, San Diego, CA.
  6. J. Wang, A. Salah Eddin, Q. Zhou, W.D. Gaillard, and M. Adjouadi. “Discriminating regional functional networks in pediatric epilepsy”. Proceedings of the 6th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, pp. 1513-1516, November 6-8, 2013, San Diego, CA.
  7.  K. Vedala, S.M.A. Motahari, M. Goryawala, M. Cabrerizo, I. Yaylali, and M. Adjouadi. “Novel Time-Frequency-Eigen Filter for Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Monitoring in Spinal Surgeries”. Proceedings of the 6th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, pp. 1578-1581, November 6-8, 2013, San Diego, CA.
  8. Q. Zhou, M. Goryawala, M. Cabrerizo, J. Wang, W. Barker, R. Duara, M. Adjouadi, “Combining Anatomical Biomarkers With Neuropsychological Data For Multidimensional Classification Of Alzheimer’s Disease”, The 17th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition, IPCV-2013, Vol. 1, pp.255-261,  July 22-25, 2013, Las Vegas, USA.
  9. P. McCall, M. Naudeau, T. Farrell, M. E. Sorge, and M. Adjouadi, “Sensor model for space-based local area sensing of debris”, SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing 2013, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 29 April – 3 May 2013; SPIE Proceedings Vol. 8706 Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing XXIV, Gerald C. Holst; Keith A. Krapels, Editors, 2013.
  10. P. McCall, M. Naudeau, M. Sorge, and M. Adjouadi, “Rapid orbital characterization of local area space objects utilizing image-differencing techniques’, SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing 2013, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 29 April – 3 May 2013; Proceedings Volume 8739: Sensors and Systems for Space Applications VI, Khanh D. Pham; Joseph L. Cox; Genshe Chen, Editors, May 2013.
  11. P. McCall, G. Torres, K. LeGrand, M. Adjouadi, C. Liu, J. Darling, and H. Pernicka, “Many-core computing for space-based stereoscopic imaging”, pp. 1-7, IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, USA, March 2-9, 2013.


  1. P. McCall, M. Cabrerizo, and M.  Adjouadi, “Spatial and temporal analysis of interictal activity in the epileptic brain”, pp. 1 – 6, IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), Saturday, City College of New York, New York, December 1, 2012.
  2. Huang, J., Barreto, A., Adjouadi, M., Dynamic image pre-compensation for computer access by individuals with ocular aberrations,  Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, pp. 3320-3323, San Diego, California, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, 2012.
  3. Huang, J., Barreto, A., Adjouadi, M., Evaluation of dynamic image pre-compensation for computer users with severe refractive error, ASSETS’12 – Proc. of the 14th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility , pp. 175-182, Boulder, Colorado,  October 22-24, 2012.
  4. G. Torres, P. McCall, C. Liu, M. Cabrerizo, and M. Adjouadi, “Parallelizing Electroencephalogram Processing on a Many-Core Platform for the Detection of High Frequency Oscillations”, pp. 9-15, Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Unique Chips and Systems,UCAS‐7, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 26, 2012.
  5. A. M. Guzman, M. Goryawala, and M. Adjouadi, “Generating Thermal Facial Signatures Using Thermal Infrared Images”, IEEE-ESPA-2012, The 1st International Conference on Emerging Signal Processing Applications, Las Vegas, Nevada, pp. 21-24, January 12-14, 2012.


  1. M. Goryawala, I. Yaylali, M. Cabrerizo, K. Vedala, M. Adjouadi, “An effective novel patient specific Gaussian template based scheme for somatosensory evoked potential detection”, Proceedings of the IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), DOI- 10.1109/SPMB.2011.6120110, Brooklyn, New York, USA,  December 10, 2011.
  2. M. Cabrerizo, M. Goryawala, P. Jayakar, A. Barreto, S. Khizroev,  M. Adjouadi, “Accurate 3D source localization of focal epileptic foci using interictal EEG spikes “, Proceedings of the IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB), DOI- 10.1109/SPMB.2011. 6120106, Brooklyn, New York, USA, December 10, 2011.
  3. J. Delgado, A. Salah Eddin, M. Adjouadi, M. S. Sadjadi, “Paravirtualization for Scientific Computing: Performance Analysis and Prediction”, IEEE 13th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC), pp. 536 – 543, Banff, Canada, September 2-4, 2011.
  4. P. Ren., A. Barreto, Y. Gao, and M. Adjouadi, “Affective Assessment of Computer Users Based on Processing the Pupil Diameter Signal”. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC ’11), Boston, MA, USA, August 30 – September 3, 2011, pp. 2594 – 2597.
  5. J. Huang, .A. Barreto, M. Alonso Jr., and M. Adjouadi, “Vision Correction for Computer Users Based on Image Pre-Compensation with Changing Pupil Size”. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC ’11), Boston, MA, USA, August 30 – September 3, 2011, pp. 4868 – 4871.
  6. A. Guzman, M. Goryawala, and M. Adjouadi, “Generating Facial Vasculature Signatures Using Thermal Infrared Images”, Proceedings of the 5th Annual Computing Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institutions (CAHSI) Workshop, San Juan, Puerto Rico, pp. 31-34, March 27-29, 2011.
  7. G. Lizarraga, M. Cabrerizo, and M. Adjouadi, “A GPU Approach to Extract Key Parameters from iEEG Data”, Proceedings of the 5th Annual Computing Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institutions (CAHSI) Workshop, San Juan, Puerto Rico, pp. 35-38, March 27-29, 2011.
  8. J. Delgado and M. Adjouadi, “Assessing the Performance of Medical Image Segmentation on Virtualized Resources, Proceedings of the 5th Annual Computing Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institutions (CAHSI) Workshop, San Juan, Puerto Rico, pp. 39-42, March 27-29, 2011


  1. A. Cary, Y. Yesha, M. Adjouadi, N. Rishe, “Leveraging Cloud Computing in Geo-database Management” 2010 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing, pp. 73 – 78,  Silicon Valley, CA, August 14-16, 2010.
  2. M. Goryawala, M. Guillen, R. Bhatt, A. Mcgoron, M. Adjouadi, “A comparative study on the performance of the parallel and distributing computing operation in MatLab”,   Proc. International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, IEEE-AINA , Perth, WA, pp. 150-157, April 2010.
  3. J. Delgado, S.M. Sadjadi, M. Bright, M. Adjouadi, H.A. Duran-Limon, “Performance prediction of weather forecasting software on multicore systems “, Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, IPDPSW 2010 , pp. 1-8, Atlanta, GA, April 19-23,  2010.
  4. A. Guzman, M. Goryawala, and M. Adjouadi, “Detecting he Human Face Vasculature Using Thermal Infrared Imaging”, Proceedings of the 4th Annual CAHSI Workshop, Microsoft Headquarters, Redmond, Washington, pp. 73-76, April 5-7, 2010.
  5. A. Salah Eddin and M. Adjouadi, “An Assistive Technology Tool for Text Entry based on N-gram Statistical Language Modeling”, Proceedings of the 4th Annual CAHSI Workshop, Microsoft Headquarters, Redmond, Washington, pp. 69-72, April 5-7, 2010.
  6. J. Delgado and M. Adjouadi, “Assessing the Performance of Medical Image Segmentation on Virtualized Resources, Proceedings of the 4th Annual CAHSI Workshop, Microsoft Headquarters, Redmond, Washington, pp. 74-80, April 5-7, 2010.
  7. Y. Gao, A. Barreto, M. Adjouadi, “Affective Assessment of a Computer User through the Processing of the Pupil Diameter Signal”, in Innovations in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering , T. Sobh, K. Elleithy (eds.), 2010, pp. 189-194.


  1. X. You, M. Guillen, B. Bernal, W. D. Gaillard, M. Adjouadi,  “fMRI activation pattern recognition: A novel application of PCA in Language Network of Pediatric Localization Related Epilepsy”, 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, September 2-6, 2009, pp.5397-5400.
  2. A. Barreto., K. J. Faller II., and M. Adjouadi , “3D Sound for Human-Computer Interaction: Regions with Different Limitations in Elevation Localization”, Proc. of ASSETS 2009, 11th  International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 26-28, 2009. pp. 211-212.
  3. M. Tito, M. Cabrerizo, M. Ayala, P. Jayakar, and M. Adjouadi, “Suitability of the Gamma Frequency for Seizure Files Classification”, Proceedings of the WCSET-World Congress on Science, Engineering and Technology, Oslo, Norway, pp. 122-129, Vol. 85, ISSN 2070-3724, July 2009.
  4. C. Han, M. Adjouadi, A. Barreto, N. Rishe, and J. Andrian,  “Improved Pyramidal Neural Network for Segmented Handwritten Characters Recognition”, The 2009 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV 09), Vol. II, pp. 695-699, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 13-16, 2009.
  5. Y. Chen and M. Adjouadi, “A New Noise Tolerant Segmentation Approach to Non-ideal Iris Image with Optimized Computational Speed”, The 2009 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV 09), Vol. II, pp. 547-553, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 13-16, 2009.
  6. J. Wang and M. Adjouadi, “Modified fast Principal Component Analysis”, The 2009 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV 09), Vol. I, pp. 374-377, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 13-16, 2009.
  7. M. Lahlou, M. Adjouadi, A. Barreto, “A Robust Face Detection Method Using Intrinsic Images and an Energy Minimization Technique under the Near-IR light Spectrum”, The 2009 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV 09), Vol. I, pp. 351-356, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 13-16, 2009.
  8. X. You, M. Guillen, W. D. Gaillard, M. Adjouadi, “Application of Nonlinear Classifiers with the Principal Component Analysis in fMRI Language Activation Pattern Recognition in a Multisite Study for Pediatric Epilepsy”, The 2009 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV 09), Vol. II, pp. 754-758, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 13-16, 2009.
  9. Y. Chen, M. Adjouadi, C. Han, and A. Barreto, “A New Unconstrained Iris Image Analysis and Segmentation Method in Biometrics”, 2009 IEEE Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, pp. 13-16, June 28-July 1, 2009, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, ISBN: 978-1-4244-3932-4.
  10. M. Goryawala, M. Guillen, X. You, M. Adjouadi, “A New Algorithm as an Extension to the Gradient Descent Method for Functional Brain Activation Classification”, 25th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, 15 – 17 May 2009, Miami, Florida, USA , IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 24,  pp. 125-128.
  11. X. You, M. Guillen, M. Adjouadi, “The Merit Of Principal Component Analysis In fMRI Language Pattern Recognition For Pediatric Epilepsy”, 25th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, 15 – 17 May 2009, Miami, Florida, USA , IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 24, pp. 123-124.
  12. M. Guillen, M. Adjouadi, X. You, M. Goryawala, “Application of Nonlinear Decision Functions in the Identification of Language Dominance Behavior”, 25th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, 15 – 17 May 2009, Miami, Florida, USA , IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 24, pp. 129-130.
  13. Y. Gao A. Barreto and Adjouadi, “Comparative Analysis of Noninvasively Monitored Biosignals for Affective Assessment of a Computer User”, 25th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, 15 – 17 May 2009, Miami, Florida, USA , IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 24, pp. 255-260.
  14. F. Gui, M. Adjouadi, N. Rishe, “Personalized Approach for Mobile Search”, Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, 2009. IEEE- WAINA International Conference, pp. 966-971, 26-29 May 2009.
  15. M. Guillen, M. Adjouadi, X. You; A. Barreto, N. Rishe, W. Gaillard, “Toward fMRI Group Identification Based on Brain Lateralization”, Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, 2009. IEEE- WAINA International Conference, pp. 966-971, 26-29 May 2009.
  16. Y. Gao, A. Barreto  and M. Adjouadi,  “Comparison of Pupillary Light reflex System Modeling With H-Infinity and LMS Adaptive algorithms”, Proc. of the 2009 IEEE 13th DSP Workshop and 5th Signal Processing Education  Workshop,   Marco Island, Florida, U.S.A., pp. 167-171,  January 4 -7, 2009.
  17. G. Lizarraga, M. Adjouadi, M. Cabrerizo, M. Ayala, M. Tito, “Integration of Dipole Model and Current Density Reconstruction towards 3-D Source Localization using EEG and MRI”, Proceedings of the CAHSI Annual Meeting, pp. 4-7, Jan 15-18, 2009, Google headquarters, Mountain View , CA.
  18. M. Guillen, M. Adjouadi, M. Goryawala, W. Gaillard, “Classification of Typical and Atypical Language Network Activations Using Nonlinear Decision Functions”, Proceedings of the CAHSI Annual Meeting, pp. 8-12, Jan 15-18, 2009, Google headquarters, Mountain View, CA.
  19. M. Tito, M. Adjouadi, M. Cabrerizo, M. Ayala, and G. Lizarraga, “Detecting Seizures Using Gamma-Range Power Measurements and Nonlinear Decision Functions”, Proceedings of the CAHSI Annual Meeting, pp. 13-17, Jan 15-18, 2009, Google headquarters, Mountain View, CA.
  20. M. Ayala, M. Adjouadi, M. Cabrerizo, M. Tito, G. Lizarraga, “Detecting Electrodes Leading to Seizure from Subdural EEG using Spectral Phase Analysis towards Seizure Prediction”, Proceedings of the CAHSI Annual Meeting , pp. 18-21, Jan 15-18, 2009, Google headquarters, Mountain View, CA.
  21. M. Cabrerizo, M. Adjouadi, M. Ayala, M. Tito, G. Lizarraga, “Coherence Analysis of Subdural EEG towards the Delineation of Electrodes that Initiates Epileptic Seizures”, Proceedings of the CAHSI Annual Meeting, pp. 22-25, Jan 15-18, 2009, Google headquarters, Mountain View, CA.
  22. M. Lahlou, M. Adjouadi A. Barreto, “Illumination Invariant Face Detection with Time-Dependent Intrinsic Images under Near-IR lighting”, Proceedings of the CAHSI Annual Meeting, pp. 26-29, Jan 15-18, 2009, Google headquarters, Mountain View, CA.
  23. A. Guzman, M. Adjouadi, L. Wang, A. Barreto, N. Rishe, ”Thermal Infrared Imaging for the Detection of Temperature Increase on the Head Surface Due to Motor Activity”, Proceedings of the CAHSI Annual Meeting, pp. 30-33, Jan 15-18, 2009, Google headquarters, Mountain View, CA.
  24. Faller, K.J., Barreto A.  and Adjouadi M.,  “Decomposition of Head -Related Transfer Functions Based on the Hankel Total Least Squares Method”,  Proc. of the 2009 IEEE 13th Digital Signal Processing  Workshop & 5th Signal Processing Education  Workshop,   Marco Island, Florida, U.S.A., pp. 161-166, January 4 -7, 2009.


  1. Y. Chen, J. Wang, C. Han, L. Wang, and M. Adjouadi, “A robust segmentation approach to iris recognition based on video”, Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR), Washington DC, 37th IEEE, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/AIPR.2008.4906441, Oct. 15-17, 2008.
  2. J. Wang, Y. Chen, and M. Adjouadi, “A Comparative Study of the Multi-linear PCA for Face Recognition”, Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition (AIPR), Washington DC, 37th IEEE, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/AIPR.2008.4906476, Oct. 15-17, 2008.
  3. M. Guillen, M. Adjouadi, M. Ayala, X. You, W. D. Gaillard , “A Unified Approach to fMRI study on Group Identification based on Brain  Lateralization “, 6th International Conference on    Computing, Communications and Control Technologies: CCCT 2008  , June 29th – July 2nd, 2008 – Orlando, Florida, USA, pp.87-92 , 2008.
  4. Y. Gao, A. Barreto and M. Adjouadi, “Adaptive Interference Cancelling Removal of Pupillary Light Reflex Contributions in Pupil Diameter Variations, Biomedical Engineering Recent Developments, H. Nazeran, M.D. Goldman, R. Schoephoerster, Editors, Medical and Engineering Publishers, Inc., 2008, ISBN: 1-930636-07-1
  5. J. Delgado and M. Adjouadi, “Towards an Efficient and Extensible Grid-Based Data Storage Solution, accepted for presentation at The 22nd IEEE International Conference on  Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2008), Ginowan, Okinawa, Japan, pp. 659-666, March 25 – 28, 2008.
  6. I. Polycarpou, A. Pasztor, and M.Adjouadi. “A Conceptual Approach to Teaching Induction for Computer Science”. Proceedings of the SIGCSE’08 Conference, pp. 9-13, the 39th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Portland , OR USA, March 2008.
  7. S. M. Sadjadi, L. Fong, R. M. Badia, J. Figueroa, J. Delgado, X. J. Collazo-Mojica, K. Saleem, R. Rangaswami, S. Shimizu, H. A.D. Limon, P. Welsh, S. Pattnaik, A. Praino, D. Villegas, S. Kalayci, G. Dasgupta, O. Ezenwoye, J. C. Martinez, I. Rodero, S. Chen, J. Muñoz, D. Lopez, J. Corbalan, H. Willoughby, M. McFail, C. Lisetti, and M. Adjouadi,  “Transparent grid enablement of weather research and forecasting”, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series; Vol. 320, Proc. of the 15th ACM Mardi Gras Conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 2008, ISBN:978-1-59593-835-0 .
  8. A. Barreto, Y. Gao, Y. and M. Adjouadi, “Pupil Diameter Measurements: Untapped Potential to Enhance Computer Interaction for Eye Tracker Users”, Proceedings of the Tenth International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility-ASSETS, pp. 269-270, Halifax, Canada, Oct. 13 – 15, 2008.


  1. M. Cabrerizo, M. Tito, M. Ayala, M. Adjouadi, A. Barreto and P.  Jayakar, “An Analysis of Subdural EEG Parameters for Epileptic Seizure Evaluation”, 16th International Conference on Computing, November 4 -9, 2007, Mexico City, Mexico, ISBN: 978-970-36-0430-2.
  2. A. Sesin, M. Ayala, M. Adjouadi, M. Cabrerizo and A. Barreto, “A Zoomable Virtual Keyboard for Eye Gaze Tracking”, 16th International Conference on Computing, November 4 -9, 2007, Mexico City, Mexico. ISBN: 978-970-36-0430-2.
  3. Z. Huang, X. Wu, M. Adjouadi, J. Schwade and M. Cabrerizo. “Design and Development of a Pathfinder Apparatus in an Image-Guided Radiosurgery System”, 16th International Conference on Computing, November 4 -9, 2007, Mexico City, Mexico. ISBN: 978-970-36-0430-2.
  4. C. Li, A. Barreto and M. Adjouadi, “Integrated Framework for Expression and Identity Recognition in 3D Faces”, 16th Intl. Conf. on Computing, Nov. 4 -9, 2007, Mexico City, Mexico. ISBN: 978-970-36-0430-2.
  5. M. Alonso, A. Barreto and M. Adjouadi, “Development and Evaluation of a Custom Display Compensation Method for Computer Users Based on Individual Visual Characteristics”, 16th International Conference on Computing, November 4 -9, 2007, Mexico City, Mexico. ISBN: 978-970-36-0430-2.
  6. M. Cabrerizo and M.  Adjouadi, “3D Epileptic Seizure Focus Localization Using an Integrated Multimodal Neuro-Imaging Approach”, pp.16-18, Proceedings of the 2nd Annual CAHSI Workshop, Miami, Florida, December 15-18, 2007.
  7. M. Alonso, A. Barreto, and M. Adjouadi, “Digital Image Inverse Filtering for Improving Visual Acuity of Computer Users with Visual Aberrations”, Proceedings of the 2007 Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium (IPDO 2007), Vol. I, pp. 159- 165, Miami, FL, April 16-18, 2007.
  8. M. Alonso, A. Barreto, J. Jacko, and M. Adjouadi, “Evaluation of Onscreen Pre-compensation Algorithms for Computer Users with Visual Aberrations”, Proceedings of 9th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS), pp. 219 – 220, Tempe, AZ, October 15-17, 2007.
  9. C. Chin, A. Barreto, A., J. Cremades, and M. Adjouadi, “Performance Analysis of an Integrated Eye Gaze Tracking / Electromyogram Cursor Control System”, Proceedings of 9th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS ’07), October 15-17, 2007, Tempe, AZ, pp. 233-234.
  10. N. Rishe, O. Wolfson, B. Wongsaroj, D. Small, M. Alarcon, N. Lorenzo, R. Koller, S. Kundu, S. Graham, K. Alexander, M. Adjouadi. “Schema Based XML Compression.”  Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies (EISWT-07). July 9-12, 2007. Orlando, FL, USA. pp. 1-6.
  11. M. Adjouadi, Armando Barreto, D. Tenneti, M. Raoof, R. Krishna, Y. Cejas, N. Milton II, S.Graham, N. Rishe. “Web Service Security.”  Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies (EISWT-07). July 9-12, 2007. Orlando, FL, USA. pp. 7-13.
  12. A. Barreto, B. Wongsaroj, T. M. King, T. Cameron, S.V. Diaz, J. Cilli, A. Muqueet, S. D. Bullard, M. Adjouadi, O. Wolfoson, S. Graham, N. Rishe. “Evaluation Criteria for Self-Management in DBMSs.” Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies (EISWT-07). July 9-12, 2007. Orlando, FL, USA. pp. 14-20.
  13. J. Guerra, L. Useche, M. Rivero, I. Syed, H. Orelus, M. Adjouadi, A. Barreto, B. Stoute, S. Graham, N. Rishe. “Comparison of XPath Containment Algorithms.”  Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies (EISWT-07), Orlando, FL, USA, pp. 21-25.July 9-12, 2007.
  14. M. Adjouadi, M.L. Lucas, E. L. Pozo, H. Nguyen, K. Maynard, S. Thomas, A. Barreto, S. Graham, N. Rishe. “Content-Based Image Retrieval.”  Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems and Web Technologies (EISWT-07), Orlando, FL, USA., pp. 26-3, July 9-12, 2007.
  15. M. Tito, M. Ayala, I. Yaylali, M. Cabrerizo, A. Barreto, N. Rishe, and M. Adjouadi, “Can EEG Processing Reveal Seizure Prediction Patterns”, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Graphics and Visualization in Engineering, pp. 47-52, ISBN 978-0-88986-67, Clearwater, Florida, USA. January 3-5, 2007.
  16. M. Cabrerizo, M. Adjouadi, M. Ayala, I. Yaylali, A. Barreto, N. Rishe, “Classification of Interictal EEG Data Based on Subdural Recordings”,  WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, Issue 2, Vol. 3, ISSN 1790-5022, pp. 147-154, February 2007.
  17. M. Tito, M. Adjouadi, M. Cabrerizo, M. Ayala, I. Yaylali, A. Barreto, N. Rishe, “A New Algorithm for Seizure Detection Using Orthogonal Transformations”,  WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, Issue 2, Vol. 3, ISSN 1790-5022, pp. 155-162, February 2007.
  18. A. Sesin, M. Adjouadi, M. Ayala, A. Barreto, N. Rishe, “A Real-Time Vision Based Human Computer Interface as an Assistive Technology for Persons with Motor Disability”,  WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research, Issue 2, Vol. 2, ISSN 1991-8755, pp. 115-121, February 2007.
  19. J. Delgado, M.R. Guillen, M. Lahlou, M. Adjouadi, A. Barreto, and  N. Rishe, “MIND: A Tiled Display, Visualization System at CATE/FIU”, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Graphics and Visualization in Engineering, pp. 68-73, ISBN 978-0-88986-67, Clearwater, Florida, USA. January 3-5, 2007.
  20. X. You, N. Teng, M. Ayala, L. Wang, A. Barreto, N. Rishe, and M. Adjouadi “A Practical EEG Study on Autism Using Artificial Neural Networks”, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Graphics and Visualization in Engineering, pp. 41-46, ISBN 978-0-88986-67, Clearwater, Florida, USA. January 3-5, 2007.


  1. D. Sanchez, M. Adjouadi, D. Sanchez, “Image Registration Technique for 3-D Visualization Brain Fiber Tracts from DTI”, IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, CA, M14-222, Oct. 29 – Nov. 4, 2006.
  2. F. Gui, A. Zong M. Adjouadi, “Artificial intelligence approach of context-awareness architecture for mobile computing”, 6th International Conference Intelligent Systems Design and Applications-ISDA’06, Vol. 2, pp. 527 – 533, ISBN: 0-7695-2528-8, October 16-18, 2006, Los Alamitos, CA.
  3. M. Alonso, A. Barreto, J. A. Jacko., and M. Adjouadi, “A Multi-Domain Approach for Enhancing Text Display for Users with Visual Aberrations”, Proceedings of the 8th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS), Portland, OR, USA, pp. 34-39, Oct. 23-25, 2006.
  4. D. Sanchez., M. Adjouadi, and D. Sanchez, “Registration of MRI and DTI towards 3-D visualization of fiber tracts in the brain,” Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Paper number 541-054, August 2006.
  5. A. Hidalgo, M. Monteagudo, N. Rishe, S. Graham, M. Adjouadi, A. Barreto, R. Steinhoff, K. Pierre, C. Canas, “Encryption Models for Patient Record Databases”, The 4th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, Vol. 1, pp. 1-4, July 20-23, 2006, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A..
  6. L. Yang, J. M. Kizza, R. K. Ege, M. Adjouadi “A Relationship-based Flexible Authorization Framework for Mediation Systems”, pp. 381-385, Eighteenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE’06), San Francisco Bay, USA, July 5-7, 2006.
  7. N. Rishe, O. Wolfson, M. Adjouadi, A. Barreto, R. Steinhoff, M. Bhadkamkar, R. Varadarajan, Z. Cui1, M. Sharifi1, A. Brito, C. Slack, P. Poitier, “On the Feasibility of a Statewide Patient Record Database”, the 3rd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, CITSA 2006, Vol. I, pp. 5-10, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 20-23, 2006.
  8. J. Torres, N. Rishe, O. Wolfson, W. Teng, M. Adjouadi, A. Barreto, R. Steinhoff, B. Williams, J. Gay, A. Cary, “An Algorithm for Massive Loading of Raster Geo-Spatial Data”, The 4th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, Vol. I, pp. 11-16, July 20-23, 2006, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
  9. F. Trigoso, N. Rishe, M. Adjouadi, A. Barreto, R. Steinhoff, S. Necula, M. Patel, A. Gallon, A. Brito, S. Graham, A. Cary, “Patient Flow Optimization Model”, The 4th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, Vol. I, pp. 17-21, July 20-23, 2006, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. (Note: my last name was mispelled as adiouadi in this article)
  10. B. Wongsaroj, S. Graham, O. Wolfson, R. Steinhoff, A. Cary, L. Chang, A. Lee, A. Rodriguez, P. Singh, R. Haynes, T. Rush, A. Barreto, M. Adjouadi, N. Rishe, “Native XML Database Management”, The 4th International Conference on Computing, Communications and Control Technologies, Vol. 1, pp. 22-27, July 20-23, 2006, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
  11. M. Lahlou, M. Guillen, M. Adjouadi, , and W.D. Gaillard, “MEDIAR: An Online Web-Based Repository site of fMRI Medical Images and clinical data for Childhood Epilepsy”, pp. 1-8, 11th World Congress on Internet in Medicine, MEDNET 2006, Ontario, Canada, October 13-20, 2006.
  12. M. Guillen, M. Adjouadi, and W.D. Gaillard, “Modeling Web-Based Pediatric MRI Data Repository Site Using OPNET”, 4th LACCEI International Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology (LACCET’2006), paper 103, pp 1-10, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, June 21-23, 2006.
  13. M. Adjouadi, R. Alo, M. Beheshti, J. Fernandez, D. Novick, and N. Santiago, “The Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Interventions to Increase Hispanic Participation in Computing”, 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, T1A-25, San-Diego, California, October 28-31, 2006.


  1. S. Lingala, M. Adjouadi, M. Mourad, and N. Rishe “Modified Watershed Transform”, WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, Issue 3, Vol. 1, pp. 398-403, December 2005.
  2. M. Mourad, M. Adjouadi, I. Yaylali, Melvin Ayala and N. Rishe “An Interface for Analyzing and Integrating Different Imaging Modalities”, WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, Issue 3, Vol. 1, pp. 392-397, December 2005.
  3. M. Alonso, A. Barreto, J. A. Jacko, and M. Adjouadi, “Verification of Computer Display Pre-Compensation for Visual Aberrations in an Artificial Eye”, Proceedings of the 7th International ACM SIGACCESS Pages: 210 – 211, ISBN: 1-59593-159-7, Conference on Computers and Accessibility, Baltimore, Maryland, October 9-12, 2005.
  4. Alonso, M., Barreto, A., Jacko, J. A., Choudhury, M., and Adjouadi, M., “Improving Computer Interaction for Users with Visual Acuity Deficiencies through Inverse Point Spread Function Processing”. Proceedings of the IEEE Southeast Conference, pp.  421 – 427, Fort Lauderdale, FL, April 8-10, 2005.
  5. A. Zong, F. Gui, M. Adjouadi, “A New Clustering Algorithm of Large Datasets with O(N) Computational Complexity”, 5th  International Conference Intelligent Systems Design and Applications-ISDA,  pp. 79-82, September 8-10, 2005, Wroclaw, Poland.
  6. F. Gui, A. Zong, M. Adjouadi, “Dynamic Neural Network Based Algorithm for Context Awareness in Mobile Computing”, WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 4 (8), pp. 629-636, August 2005.
  7. Naphtali Rishe, Malek Adjouadi, Ouri Wolfson, Maxim Chekmasov, Dmitry Vasilevsky, Scott Graham, Dayanara Hernandez. “Storage Types in the Semantic Binary Database Engine.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems ICEIS (1) 2005: 437-440, May 2005.
  8. Naphtali Rishe, Malek Adjouadi, Maxim Chekmasov, Dmitry Vasilevsky, Scott Graham, Dayanara Hernandez, and Ouri Wolfson. “XML-Based Semantic Database Definition Language.” Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems – ICEIS (1) 2005: 197-202, May 2005.
  9. A. Zong, M. Adjouadi, M. Ayala, “Artificial Neural Networks Approaches for Multidimensional Classification of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Gene Expression Samples “, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol. 2 (8), pp. 1071-1078, August 2005.
  10. D. Sanchez, M. Adjouadi, B. Bernal, N. Altman, “Three-Dimensional Technique for Automatic Brain Segmentation of the Ventricles Based on Optimal Histogram Thresholds of MRI “, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Vol. 4 (7), pp. 744-749, July 2005.
  11. Naphtali Rishe, Yanli Sun, Ben Wongsaroj, Andriy Selivonenko, Malek Adjouadi, Armando Barreto, Royel Haynes, Maxim Chekmasov, Scott Graham, Kiesha Pierre, Asha Brito.  “Level of Detail Control and Multi-Resolution Model for Online 3D GIS.” Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and Applications, Vol. II, pp. 80-83, July 14 – 17, CITSA 2005.
  12. M. Cabrerizo, M. Adjouadi, M. Ayala, A. Sesin, “Source Localization of Brain Activity Related to Epileptic Seizure”, WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol. 2 (7), pp. 987-995, July 2005.
  13. M. C. Zabawa, M. Adjouadi, and N. Rishe, “SystemC Co-Design for Image Compression: Fast Discrete Cosine Transform using Distributed Arithmetic, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 477-484, June 2005.
  14. M. Mourad, M. Adjouadi, and I. Yaylali “A Projection Approach of Optical Topographic Maps to the Cortical Surface of the Brain”, Proceedings of the 2nd International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, pp. 13-16, Arlington, Virginia, March 16-19, 2005.


  1. M. Mourad, M. Adjouadi, “Localization of Brain Activation As Reflected Through Integration Of Optical Topography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging”, in Advances in Bioinformatics and its Applications, pp. 588-599. Series in Mathematical Biology and Medicine – vol. 8. World Scientific Publishing Co., May 2005, ISBN 981-256-148-X.  Presented at the International Conference on Advances in Bioinformatics and its Applications, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, 16–19 December 2004.
  2. G. Cremades, M. Tito, M. Adjouadi, and A. Barreto, “Use of EEG recordings as valid measures of kinesthetic and visual imagery ability” in Advances in Bioinformatics and its Applications, pp. 565 – 575. Series in Mathematical Biology and Medicine – vol. 8. World Scientific Publishing Co., May 2005, ISBN 981-256-148-X.  Presented at the International Conference on Advances in Bioinformatics and its Applications, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, 16–19 December 2004.
  3. C. Weiting and M. Adjouadi, “Boundary Artifact Minimization on Best Matching Blocks in Wavelet-Based Video Compression”, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 5, Vol. 3, pp. 1361-1366, 2004.
  4. A. Sesin, M. Ayala, M. Cabrerizo, and M. Adjouadi, “Jitter Reduction in Eye Gaze Tracking System and Conception of a Metric for Performance Evaluation”, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 5, Vol. 3, pp. 1268-1273, Nov. 2004.
  5. M. Rossman, M. Adjouadi, M. Ayala, I. Yaylali, and P. Jayakar, “A Technique for Automated Localization of Epileptic Foci Using SPECT Image Subtraction”, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 5, Vol. 3, pp. 1274-1280, Nov. 2004.
  6. D. Landestoy, M. Adjouadi, Melvin Ayala, and W. Tischer, “Hands-off Use of Computer towards Universal Access through Voice Controlled Human-Computer Interface”, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 5, Vol. 3, pp. 1598-1604, Nov. 2004.
  7. C. Weiting and M. Adjouadi, “Wavelet-Domain Shift Invariant Motion Estimation and Compensation” Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video & Speech Processing, pp. 49-52, Hong Kong, Oct 2004.
  8. M. Adjouadi, M. Docurro, “Integrating Computers and Holography for Three-Dimensional Autostereoscopic Imaging”, Proceedings of the 7th IASTED International Conference On Computer Graphics And Imaging ~CGIM 2004~, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, August 16-18, 2004.
  9. A. Zong, M. Adjouadi, “Evaluating Misclassification Ratios in Region Identification in Flow Cytometry Data Using an SVM Based on Neural Network” Proceedings of the 8th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI-2004), Orlando, USA, July 18-21, 2004.
  10. M. Dezulueta, M. Adjouadi, “Use Of Threat Modeling When Architecting A Healthcare System”, Proceedings of the 8th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI-2004), Orlando, USA, July 18-21, 2004.
  11. A. Herrera, A. Bernal, D. Isaza, and M. Adjouadi, “Design of an Electrical Prosthetic Gripper using EMG and Linear Motion Approach”, FCRAR-2004, Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, University of Central Florida, May 2004.
  12. C. Weiting and M. Adjouadi, “An Efficient Approach of Fast Motion Estimation and Compensation In Wavelet Domain Video Compression, ICASSP-2004, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing ,  Vol. II, pp. 977-980, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 17-21, 2004
  13. C. Weiting and M. Adjouadi, “Minimization of Boundary Artifacts on Scalable Image Compression Using Symmetric-Extended Wavelet Transform”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada Vol. 2, pp. 598-602, April 2004.
  14. M. Adjouadi, M. Cabrerizo, M. Ayala, K. Núñez, “An Approach to Functional Brain Mapping Using an Inverse Solution Based on the Principal Component Transform”, Inverse Problems, Design And Optimization (IPDO) Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 17-19, 2004.
  15. M. Adjouadi, N. Mirkovic, M. Cabrerizo, and M. Ayala,  “An Inverse Solution To 3-D Source Localization Of Epileptic Foci Using An Integrated Multimodal Neuro-Imaging Approach”, Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization (IPDO) Symposium, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 17-19, 2004.


  1. M. Adjouadi, M. Cabrerizo, K. Nuñez, M. Ayala, I.Yaylali, P. Jayakar, D. Sanchez, “Interictal Spike Detection Using the Walsh Transform”, Proceedings of the GSPX & International Signal Processing Conference (CD), ISBN: 1009129, [online]:, Dallas, TX, USA, March-April, 2003.
  2. M. Adjouadi and M. Ayala, “Improving Epileptiform Activity Recognition by Means of Energy Criteria”, Proceedings of the GSPX & International Signal processing Conference (CD), ISBN: 1009129, [online]:, Dallas, TX, USA, March 31-April 3, 2003.
  3. M. Ayala, M. Adjouadi, “An Optimized Artificial Neural Network Approach for Epileptiform Activity Recognition”, Proceeding of the IASTED International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, pp. 342-347, ISBN: 0-88986-337-7, Palm Springs, CA, USA, February 24-26, 2003.
  4. M. Rossman, M. Adjouadi, N. Mirkovic, M. Ayala, P. Jayakar, I. Yaylali, “An Integrated Approach to Localize Epileptic Foci Using Relative SPECT Subtraction”, Proceeding of the IASTED International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, pp. 222-228, ISBN: 0-88986-337-7, Palm Springs, CA, USA, February 24-26, 2003.
  5. N. Mirkovic, M. Adjouadi, I. Yaylali, P. Jayakar, “3-D Source Localization of Epileptic Foci Integrating EEG and MRI”, Proceeding of the IASTED International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, pp. 209-215, ISBN: 0-88986-337-7, Palm Springs, CA, USA, February 24-26, 2003.
  6. M. Cabrerizo, M. Adjouadi, I. Yaylali, P. Jayakar, K. Nunez, “A New Algorithm for the EEG Functional Brain Mapping Based on an Auditory-Comprehension Process “, Proc. of the SCI 2003 – The 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 2003.
  7. A. Sesin, M. Adjouadi, “A Calibrated Real-Time Eye Gaze Tracking System as an Assistive System for Persons with Motor Disability”, Proc. of the 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 27-30, Vol. VI, pp. 399-404, 2003.
  8. A. Zong, M. Adjouadi, “Multidimensional Pattern Recognition and Classification of White Blood Cells Using Support Vector Machines”, Proc. of the 7th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, Florida, USA, pp. 101-106, July 2003.
  9. A. Simon, M. Adjouadi, “Implementation of a High Impedance Solid State Relay for Interfacing a Robotic Platform to a Computer”, Proceedings of the Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, Dania Beach, FL, USA, May 8-9, 2003.
  10. A. Simon, M. Adjouadi, A. Sesin, C. Mackey, M. Rossman, M. Ayala, “Implementation of a .NET Distributed Computing Cluster using XML Web Services”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems DMS-2003, Miami, Florida, pp. 193-198, ISBN: 1-891706-13-6, September 2003.
  11. C. Weiting, M. Adjouadi, “Wavelet-based Video Compression Using Multiresolution Motion Estimation and Compensation”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, DMS-2003, pp. 138-143, Miami, Florida, ISBN: 1-891706-13-6, September 2003.
  12. A. Barreto, P.O. Hugh, J. Jacko, and Adjouadi, M., “Use of 3-D Sound Auditory Icons in the Enhancement of Human-Computer Interfaces for Partially Sighted Users”, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Miami, Florida, pp. 251 – 254, September 2003.
  13. C. Weiting, M. Adjouadi, “Boundary Distortion Minimization on Scalable Image Compression Using Symmetric-Extended Wavelet Transform”, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, Melbourne, Florida, USA, November 19 – 22, 2003.
  14. C. Weiting, M. Adjouadi, “Video Compression Analysis Based on Fast Motion Estimation Algorithms”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies, Vol. IV, pp. 185-190, Orlando, Florida, USA, July 31,  August 1-2, 2003.  Selected as Best Paper (Image, Speech and Signal Computing) by the Organizing Committee.


  1. J. Blandon, M. Adjouadi, and S. Emami, “A Synergistic Text Compression Method – STCM”, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2002, ISBN(s): 0780374029, Vol. 3, pp.  2773 -2776, Orlando, Florida, May 13 to 17, 2002.
  2. M. Rossman, F. Candocia, M. Adjouadi, P. Jayakar, I. Yaylali, “Application of Affine Transformations for the Co-Registration of SPECT Images”, Proceedings of the 4th IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, pp. 595-600, Hawaii, ACTA Press, ISBN: 0-88986-340-7, 2002.


  1. W. Yao and M. Adjouadi “Algebraic Reconstruction Technique Fusing with Pointwise Measurements in Optical Computerized Tomography”, pp. 208-219 in Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Robotic Systems IV, Editor(s): Gerard T. McKee, Paul S. Schenker, 260 pages. ISBN: 0819442992. LC Control Number: 2002277670. SPIE Publication Date: Oct 2001. Also Presented at the SPIE Conference in Newton, USA, October 28-29, 2001.
  2. A. Valdivieso, M. Adjouadi, and J. Riley, “Clustering Analysis of Blood Cells Using Multidimensional Parametric Signatures” in Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, 703 pages, ISBN:0889863091 (Paper cover book) Hamza, M. H. (Ed.) /Publisher: Acta Press, Published 2001/09 .
  3. D. Sanchez, M. Adjouadi, A. Barreto, P., Jayakar, and I. Yaylali “Application of the Walsh Transform in an Integrated Algorithm for the Detection of Interictal Spikes”, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 939 – 942 Vol.1,  October 25-28, 2001.
  4. E. Lyons, B. Barreto and M. Adjouadi, “Development of a Hybrid Hands-off Human-Computer Interface Based on Electromyogram Signals and Eye-Gaze Tracking”, Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 1423 – 1426, Vol.2, October 2001.


  1. G. Cremades, D. Sanchez, M. Adjouadi, and A. Barreto, “An empirical study in human-computer interface research using EEG signals recorded with an ESI-256 machine”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing Applications & Technology (ICSPAT), Dallas, Texas, Proceedings in CD-ROM format, paper No. 142.October 2000.


  1. A. Barreto, S. Scargle, and M. Adjouadi, “Hands-off Human-Computer Interface for Individuals with Severe Motor Disabilities”, in Human-Computer Interaction: Communication, Cooperation and Application Design, Hans-Jorg Bullinger and Jurgen Ziegler, Eds., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., London, ISBN 0-8058-3392-7, pp. 970 – 974. Also Presented at the 8th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction), Munich, Germany, August 1999.
  2. A. Barreto, S. Scargle, S, and M. Adjouadi,  “Real-Time Digital EMG/EEG Signal Processing in a Human-Computer Interface for Users with Severe Motor Disabilities”, Proc. of the International Conference on Signal Processing Applications & Technology (ICSPAT), Orlando, Florida, November 1-4, 1999. Paper Won the 1999 ICSPAT Best Paper Award.
  3. A. Barreto, P. Hugh, J. Jacko, and M. Adjouadi, “Enhanced Human-Computer Interface for Partially Sighted Users Through Real-Time Spatial Auditory Icons”, International Conference on Signal Processing Applications & Technology (ICSPAT), Orlando, Florida, November 1-4, 1999.
  4. O. Grafals, N. Gupta, G. Cremades, A. Barreto, and M. Adjouadi, “Evaluation of Digital Sound Spatialization Accuracy Over Commodity Audio Channels in a Personal Computer,” 1999 Computing Research Conference, University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez Campus, pp. 5 – 8, December 4, 1999
  5. D. Sanchez, K. Fatema, G. Cremades, M. Adjouadi, and A. Barreto, “The Effects of Human-Computer Interfaces in Mental Effort, as Measured by Alpha Activity,” 1999 Computing Research Conference, University of Puerto Rico – Mayaguez Campus, pp. 17 – 20, December 4, 1999.


  1. M. Adjouadi and F. Candocia “Pattern Matching for Object Recognition and Depth Reconstruction”, Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, pp. 61-67, Miami, Florida April 1997.
  2. N. Fernandez and M. Adjouadi, “An Orientation-Independent Imaging Technique for the Recognition and Classification of Objects”, Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, pp. 35-42, Miami, Florida, April 1997.


  1. M. Midon , M. Adjouadi, N. Fernandez, S. Duranza, G. Roig, “Computer Applications and Information for the Visually Impaired” in Interdisciplinary Aspects on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Joachim Klaus, Eduard Auff, Willibald Kremser, Wolfgang L. Zagler, Eds., ISBN: 3-486-23797-7 , ISBN: 3702904131,  800 Pages (in 2 Volumes), in English. LC Control Number: 96221428. Also presented at the 5th International Conference, ICCHP ’96, Linz, Austria, 1996.


  1. C. Reyes and M. Adjouadi ” A Clustering Technique for Random Data Classification”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vancouver, British Columbia, pp. 316 – 321, Vol.1, October 22-25, 1995.

1993 (Year of Inception of the CATE Center)

  1. M. Adjouadi, F. Candocia, “A Stereo Matching Technique Using Orthogonal Transformations”, Sixth Annual Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics“, Gainesville, Florida, April 1993.
  2. Adjouadi M., Candocia F. M. and Sumargo H., “A Linear, Orthogonal Transformation Model for Stereo Vision,” 2nd International Conf. on Modeling and Simulation, MS ’93, Melbourne, Australia, June 1993
  3. M. Adjouadi, F. Candocia, and H. Sumargo, “Statistical and Morphological Analysis of Visual Features”, COMPUMAG Conference, pp. 456-457, ISBN 1-884342-01-9, Miami, Florida, October 1993.


  1. M. Adjouadi, Xiobe Zhang and D. Park, “A Stereo Matching Process for the Recovery of Depth Information”, Proceedings of the IEEE Southeastcon’92, Birmingham, Alabama, Vol. 1, pp. 118-123, April 1992.
  2. K. Wreder, S. Gonzalez-Arias, D. Park, and M. Adjouadi, “Stereotactic Surgical Planning Using 3-D Reconstruction and Artificial Neural Networks”, The 5th IEEE symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, Durham, North Carolina, CBMS 92, pp. 612-615, June 1992.
  3. D. Park and M. Adjouadi, “A New Approach to an Inverse Problem”, Proceedings of the IEEE Southcon, Conference, pp. 242-246, Orlando Florida March 1992.
  4. M Adjouadi, X Zhang, DC Park, “Stereo Matching Analysis”, Proceedings of the IEEE Southcon Conference, pp. 320-325, Orlando Florida March 1992.
  5. M. Adjouadi, F. Candocia, J. Andrian, and H. Sumargo, “Application of Wavelet Transforms to Stereo Vision”, 2nd International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision, Singapore, 1992.
  6. M. Adjouadi and H. Sumargo, “Domain of Orthogonal Transforms and the Understanding of Image Features”, International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR), Machine Vision Applications 92 (IAPR-MVA’92), Tokyo, Japan, 1992.